Your search returned 6 results |
Clarence Williams, Pno,vocals; Ed Allen, Tpt; Buster Bailey, Clt; Russell Procope, Alto Sa…
Get On Board, Li'l Chillun; There Is Love; Ev'rytime I Feel The Spirit; Swing ... and more.
Maxine Sullivan, Vocals; John Kirby, Leader And String Bass; Charlie Shavers, Trumpet; Rus…
Loch Lomond; Humoresque*; If I Had A Ribbon Bow*; Given The Lady*; That Lonely T... and more.
Maxine Sullivan (v); John Kirby (b); Charlie Shavers (t); Russell Procope (as); Buster Bai…
Loch Lomond; If I Had A Ribbon Bow; That Lonely Tune; Who Is Sylvia; There I Go;... and more.
Sammy Price, P; Marcus Belgrave, T; George Benson, Ts,as; J.c. Heard, D;
Oh, Lady Be Good; Paradise Valley Blues; On The Sunny Side Of The Street; The Wi... and more.
JCD-1009/1010 (D)
Billy Butterfield; Ernie Caceres; Cozy Cole; Eddie Condon; Joe Grauso; Bobby Hackett; Bobb…
Love Nest; Big Noise From Winnetka; Big Butter And Egg Man; Pee Wee's Blues; Hee... and more.
JCD-1011/1012 (D)
: Max Kaminsky, Bi]ly Butterfield, Benny Morton, Ernie Caceres, Pee Wee Russell, Edmond Ha…
At Sundown; Squeeze Me; Concentratin'- It's Been So Long; Mandy Make Up Your Min... and more.
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