Johnny Wiggs, Ct; Raymond Burke, Cl; Paul Crawford, Tbn; Edmond Souchon, Gtr, Bj & Vcl; Kn…
America The Beautiful; Down In Jungle Town; Tishomingo Blues; Come Back Sweet Pa... and more.
George Brunies, Tbn; Teddy Buckner, Tp; Matty Matlock, Cl; Chink Martin, Bs; Johnny Edward…
Bugle Call Rag; Just A Closer Walk With Thee; Down In Jungle Town; Alice Blue G... and more.
Tracks 1-4 Dec. 11, 1960 Cosmo Matassa's Recording Studio Nola; Thomas Jefferson (tp,v); T…
Apple Blossom Time *; A Long Way To Tipperary *; City Of A Million Dreams *; Vie... and more.
Thomas Jefferson, Tpt; Jack Delaney, Tbn; Raymond Burke, Clt; Roy Zimmerman, Pno; Phil Dar…
I'm Gonna Sit Down And Write Myself A Letter; Big Butter And Egg Man; In The Sha... and more.
Tony Almerico, Tp; Pete Fountain, Cl; Jack Delaney, Tbn; Roy Zimmerman, P; Frank Federico,…
South Rampart St. Parade; Sensation; Jazz Me Blues; Bugle Call Rag; Hindustan; T... and more.
Santo Pecora - (tbn); George Girard - (tpt); Thomas Jefferson - (tpt); Raymond Burke - (c…
Tailgate Ramble; A Good Man Is Hard To Find; Missouri Two Beat; The World Is Wai... and more.
Sharkey Bonano, Tp & Vcl; Louis Cottrell, Ts & Cl; Raymond Burke, Cl; Frog Joseph, Tbn; Ar…
Somebody Else Is Taking My Place; Jealous Blues; Corrine Corrina; After The Ball... and more.
Al Hirt, Tp; Pete Fountain, Cl & Ts; Jack Delaney, Tbn; Joe Capraro, Gtr; Roy Zimmerman, P…
Panama; Of All The Wrongs; I Used To Love You; It's A Long Way To Tipperary; Gy... and more.
Armand Hug (p); Eddie Miller (ts); Joe Capraro (g); Chink Martin (b); Arthur 'monk' Hazel …
A Dixieland Jam Session; Easy Goin' Blues; Mr. Jelly Lord; Mad; I Never Knew Wha... and more.
(a) Sharkey Bonano, Trumpet; Boojie Centobie, Clarinet; Jack Delaney, Trombone; Stanley Me…
Basin St (intro); Farewell Blues; Tin Roof Blues; She's Crying For Me; That's A ... and more.
Bob Havens, Trombone; Mike Lala, Thomas Jefferson, Or Tommy Gonsoulin, Trumpet; Raymond Bu…
Bamboo Bridge; When You Wore A Tulip; Sweetheart Of Sigma Chi; Shimmy Like My Si... and more.
Raymond Burke, Cl; Jeff Riddick, P; Joe Capraro, Gtr; Sherwood Mangiapanne, Bs; Monk Hazel…
Eccentric; I'm Sorry I Made You Cry; I'm Forever Blowing Bubbles; Blues For De... and more.
Sharkey Bonano, Tp; Pinky Vidacovich, Cl; Bill Crais, Tbn; Armand Hug, P; Joe Capraro, Bj;…
Nick Larocca Talks; Tiger Rag; Float Me Down The River; Weary Blues; Fidgety Fee... and more.
Tracks1-4: Thomas Jefferson, Tpt & Vocal; Jim Robinson, Tbn; Louis Cottrell, Clt; Lester …
Dreaming On The River; Blues For Paul; Paper Doll; Fidgety Feet; Bourbon Street ... and more.
BCD-142/143 (D)
Collective Tony Almerico, George Girard, Sharkey Bonano, Mike Lala, Trumpets; Pete Fountai…
Bcmemd-142 With You Where You Are; South Rampart Street Parade; Tin Roof Blues; ... and more.
Armand Hug, P; Edmond Souchon, Vcl; Joe Capraro, Gtr; Jo Linn, Vcl; Chink Martin, Bs; Jack…
Bouncin' Around; Day By Day; Kiss Me, Sweet; Mama Goes Where Papa Goes; I Wish ... and more.
Alvin Alcorn, Tp; Pete Fountain, Cl; Jack Delaney, Tbn; Roy Zimmerman, P; Joe Capraro, Gtr…
Shine; Sidewalks Of New York; Hindustan; Till We Meet Again; Tuck Me To Sleep; M... and more.
Tony Delmado, Tp; Irving Fazola, Cl; Julian Laine, Tbn; Roy Zimmerman, P; Frank Federico, …
Hadacol Ramble; Hadacol Ramble #2; I‘m Going Home; Sidewalks Of New York; Missou... and more.
Sharkey Bonano, Tp; Lester Bouchon, Cl & Ts; Santo Pecora, Tbn; Alec Templeton, P; Jeff Ri…
Hindustan; Over The Waves; Back Home Again In Indiana; Twelfth St. Rag; Tin Roof... and more.
Sharkey Bonano, Tp; Harry Shields, Cl; Julian Laine, Tbn; Jeff Riddick, P; Chink Martin, B…
Clarinet Marmalade; Alice Blue Gown; The World Is Waiting For The Sunrise; Pecul... and more.
Tracks 1-5: Billie Pierce (vo, P); Raymond Burke (cl); Jack Delaney (tb); Roy Zimmerman (p…
Darktown Strutters' Ball; Every Woman's Blues; Sister Kate (two Complete Takes... and more.
Muggsy Spanier (tp) All Tracks; Tracks 1-4: Bujie Centobie (cl); Julian Laine (tb); Armand…
Dippermouth Blues; Tin Roof Blues; Sweet Lorraine; Blues; The One I Love Belongs... and more.
Alvin Alcorn (tp); Raymond Burke (cl); Bill Matthews (tb); Jack Delaney (tb); Stanley Mend…
Over The Waves; The Blues; Dippermouth Blues; Jelly Roll; Ting-a-ling; Gettysbur... and more.
Johnny Wiggs (ct); Harry Shields (cl); Tom Brown (tb); Stanley Mendelson (p); Edmond Souch…
Dirty March; Barnyard Blues; I'm Forever Blowing Bubbles; Postman's Lament; El... and more.
 | Buck Box For Jazz Beat Volume 19 # 2
 | Buck Box, Jazzbeat 60th Anniversary
 | Cd Reviews
 | Monk Hazell
 | Sharkey Bonano - At The Municipal Auditorium 1949 [bcd-523] Cd Review By Scott Yanow