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Circle Sampler #2
Circle Sampler
Paul Barbarin - And His New Orleans Jazz Band
GHB Records
Dance @ The Dew Drop
Jazzology Video
Wild Bill Davison And His Jazzologists
Jazzology Records
The End Of The Beginning By Barry Martyn
Jazzology Books
Robert Pete Williams
Big Eye Louis Nelson Delisle - The 1949 Sessions
American Music
Herb Morand - 1949
American Music
New Orleans Piano Players (dvd)
Jazzology Video
After Hours At Art's Place (dvd)
Jazzology Video
After Hours At Art's Place #2 (dvd)
Jazzology Video
Burt Bales 1947 & 1961
GHB Records
Billie And Dede Pierce And Paul Barbarin - With Chris Barber's Jazz Band, 1960
GHB Records
Albert Nicholas & Herb Hall - Clarinet Duets
GHB Records
Percy Humphrey's Hot Six
GHB Records
Joe Darensbourg - Barrelhousin' With Joe
GHB Records
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Joe Darensbourg - Barrelhousin' With Joe
GHB Records